President Trump: Take Action for Wildlife!

Bison (American bison) cow and calf running in the rain, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

Add your name to our petition below to President Trump and his transition team, and make sure he knows that you support a strong wildlife conservation agenda.

To President Trump and the Presidential Transition Team,

We are supporters of the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund’s conservation agenda, and we urge you to commit to strong, proactive measures during your administration to protect our nation’s wildlife and their habitats.

We are calling on you to support:

  • Funding to protect wildlife in every state from becoming endangered. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would give state and Tribal wildlife agencies the resources they need to implement collaborative, on-the-ground conservation projects before a species nears the brink of extinction.
  • Science-based conservation and management practices that effectively and efficiently safeguard our land, air, and waters.
  • A proactive climate agenda focused on protecting communities and wildlife. We must reduce the carbon pollution that fuels climate change, as well as other toxic air pollutants that harm public health. Prioritizing the conservation and establishment of natural systems to support climate adaptation and mitigation outcomes will be a win-win-win for wildlife, communities, and our nation’s pocketbook.
  • The protection of our wild public lands, including national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges. Public lands support a $1 trillion outdoor recreation economy, improve air and water quality, contain sacred Indigenous sites, and are home to much of our nation’s wildlife. These lands must remain in public hands, and we urge you to oppose any sell-offs for development or attempts to diminish public land protections.
  • Safeguarding our critically important rivers, streams, and wetlands. We urge you to advance efforts to restore all of America’s great waters—including the Everglades, Chesapeake Bay, and the Great Lakes.

We are counting on you and Congress to act on this agenda that will protect wildlife and their habitats, people and communities, and America’s outdoor heritage across our nation.

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Bison (American bison) cow and calf running in the rain, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA